As you are looking ahead to next semester, it can be easy to look at the needs of your campus and the resources you have at your disposal and be ...
(Revive Us Again Part 1) Everyone has “that person” on their team. You know them. When everybody else gets excited about an idea, they are the ones who say ...
Build a strategy plan for your ministry and a personal development plan for yourself that will help you get from where you are now to where you want to be ...
Those of us in the trenches of college ministry know we can stir a generation to believe for a heavenly outpouring while experiencing the thrill of every nation, tribe, and ...
We all love a good story. This generation of students does too, just not long ones. They love learning about God, but many cannot not hang with Piper, much less ...
By following these ten simple steps, you can help mobilize your students to share their faith and spark an evangelism movement on your campus.
We don’t need more restrictions and policies from the outside; what we need is more Christian workers around the nation who will go inside these fraternities and minister to these ...
“The University is the clear cut fulcrum with which to move the world…More potently than by any other means, change the university and you change the world.” ...
For our third installment of interviews with Jimmy Seibert, we’ll find out why he boldly keeps college ministry front and center and how he strategically and practically weaves it ...
Four thousand churches are closing their doors each year. Campus ministries are closing too. Only 20% of churches are actually growing. Like the lepers in 2 Kings 7, if our ...