Featuring: Brian Smith | April 1, 2021

Episode 10 | A Church-Based Ministry with Huge Impact on Campus with Brian Smith

Listen in and level up your ministry on our TENTH episode as Shad & Paul interview Brian Smith. Brian is the Senior Pastor of the Hope Church movement, which is a collegiate focused church planting movement that currently reaches 12 campuses in 2 states.

Brian started Hope Church reaching out college students at Arizona State University in 2004. Since then, they have been able to see over 1500 of students respond to the gospel and have trained 115 staff and hundreds of student leaders to share Christ on 12 college campuses! They have developed innovative ways to reach students including survivor weekend, Outlaw Comedy, Be Beautiful U and other events. These high impact events in addition to their energetic Sunday Services have provided a great opportunity for their staff and student leaders to set up gospel appointments and discipleship relationships


Hope Church