Episode 3 | Interviewing Paul Worcester: A Next Generation Ministry Catalyst
Join us as CMT co-host Steve Shadrach interviews Paul Worcester. During their interview Paul will share his experience with the ups and downs of starting a college ministry.
Paul and his wife Christy planted Christian Challenge at California State University, Chico in 2009. Since then hundreds of students have indicated decisions to become followers of Jesus, with many growing as disciples and learning to multiply their faith.
He has a passion for equipping and encouraging fellow collegiate leaders to make disciples on campus through his writing, speaking, consulting and social media. He is the author of “Tips for Starting a College Ministry” “Do More With Less Time” and the coauthor of the new edition of “The Fuel and The Flame: Igniting Your College Campus For Jesus Christ” with Steve Shadrach.
Find more segments from past episodes here.
Campus Multiplication Network: https://www.campusmultiplicationnetwo…
Max Barnett: http://www.discipleshiplibrary.com/ma…
“Tips for Starting a College Ministry” by Paul Worcester: https://campusministry.org/tools/tips…
“Do More With Less Time” by Paul Worcester: https://campusministry.org/tools/do-m…
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