Featuring: Steve Shadrach | December 7, 2020

Episode 2 | Interviewing Steve Shadrach: 45 years of Campus Ministry

Join us as CMT co-host Paul Worcester interviews campus ministry veteran Steve Shadrach. During their 45 minute interview Steve will lay out the early days of his faith and ministry.

Steve, aka Shad, gained his love for students (especially hellions!) while living and ministering in a fraternity house for three years at the University of Arkansas. Later, he became the collegiate pastor at his church, then founded Student Mobilization, focusing on evangelizing and discipling students in the U.S. and abroad. In 1999 he co-founded The Traveling Team with Todd Ahrend, then turned these various ministries over to the next generation of leadership to launch the Center for Mission Mobilization (CMM) to “engage, equip, and connect believers worldwide to their most strategic role in completing the Great Commission.” He resides in Fayetteville, AR, with wife Carol where they continue to win and disciple students. They have five grown children and eight grandchildren.

Shad has authored four books—The Fuel and the Flame: Ten Keys to Ignite Your Campus for Jesus Christ, Brown Like Coffee: For Students Who Think Outside the Box, The God Ask: A Fresh, Biblical Approach to Personal Support Raising, Viewpoints: Fresh Perspectives on Personal Support Raising and The Heart of the Campus.

Find more segments from Episode 2 here.


“Out of the Church, Onto the Campus: An Open Letter to Collegiate Pastors”: https://campusministry.org/article/ou…

The Traveling Team: http://www.thetravelingteam.org/

Perspectives: https://www.perspectives.org/

Launch Global: https://www.launchglobal.org/

CMT INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/campusminis…

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