Featuring: Thai Lam | February 9, 2022

Episode 32 | Sparking Movements of Prayer on Campus with Thai Lam

Listen in and level up your ministry with Shad & Paul as they interview Thai Lam of Luke 18 Ministries.

Thai is part of the leadership team of the International House of Prayer Missions Base of Kansas City and serves as the executive director of Luke18 Project, a campus prayer movement to fuel a culture of prayer and fasting to contend for revival and awakening on college campuses, as well as facilitator for the Collegiate Day of Prayer.

Thai is committed to calling a generation to wholehearted love, allegiance, and pursuit of Jesus and to a Daniel lifestyle of consecration, fasting, and prayer. He has pioneered & led campus ministries for 20 years at UC Berkeley, Stanford, San Jose State, UCLA, KU, and UMKC.

Show Notes:

Luke 18 Project


Haystack Prayer Meetings

40 Day Prayer Guide