The nine months leading up to our first child’s birth I slept great! My wife on the other hand, would experience the full spectrum of emotions and changes accompanied by ...
Now is one of the best times all year to focus on recruiting. I believe it is one of the most strategic times to recruit for just about everything. Whether ...
For decades, Cru’s mission has been “Turning lost students into Christ centered laborers.” Our mantra has been “Win/Build/Send”. The reason I have remained on campus for 20 years is ...
This fall semester will be unlike any other but I believe there are unique opportunities for us to reach more students than ever! At first, our staff team was disappointed ...
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16 How do we make ...
I will be the first to admit that this title was a little bit click-baity. However, I think many of us in collegiate ministry have thought to ourselves, “I need ...
The pandemic has pushed us online. As a college ministry worker, you may be feeling disappointment or frustration that your way of doing ministry has been essentially shut down. ...
I am often asked what we do to train our team of student leaders. Answer: books. Using a book enables us to cover more topics than we can in a ...
This title probably brought mixed feelings for you, especially if you’re struggling with pornography. Before this post begins, I want you to know that God is not ashamed of ...
When I’m hit with the temptation to be afraid, to live in fear, I hit the pause button and turn to my go-to verse…